Do Chinese restaurants really serve Cats/Dogs?

Cats, dogs, mice, rats, pigeons, etc. and call it chicken? I'm not trolling, just wondering if this is true...



    dog/cat is more expensive than chicken

  • Now then Buddy this is a really good question so here is the proper answer forget all that other silly stuff . Chinese restaurants will serve cats and dogs as long as they are well behaved and have on a proper dress code jacket shirt and trousers [pants] socks are optional but little bootes must be worn. They don't serve the others because they don't have credit cards. I take my pet chicken to the Imperial palace its a all you can eat place and she has the rice and peas.O.K. you got that.

  • And call it chicken? No, I don't think so.

    In China, and some other places. dishes containing dog meat (known as fragrant meat) are on the menu. Chinese restaurants in the United States don't offer it. Young pigeons, raised as food and called squabs, are served in France and some other places. Squabs are more expensive than chicken.

    I don't know about rats, cats, or mice.

  • It's just a joke because they eat them in China. Most Chinese restaurants aren't even really Chinese, but can encompass a variety of different cultures and customs. Dogs and cats are too expensive and difficult to get here. The Chinese are good business people, and they would not waste the extra money or risk of illegally obtaining cats and dogs. Think about it. They'd have to kill the animals themselves, and process them too.

  • It's most likely true if you were dining in China but here in the States people don't eat/serve cats/dogs.

  • If you could buy a book that could foretell the future thousands of years in advance, if you could buy the most popular book ever written, if you could buy a copy of the first book ever written, if you could buy a book that told you how to farm, how to have faith, how to live and not die, how to love and not hate, how to be healed and not be lame, wouldn't that not only be a book worth buying, but worth reading, studying and learning? You could also think of it as a picture album of the Son of God. The thing is if I showed you a picture album of my son and you were disinterested, I would stop showing you the pictures. That is the same way with the Word of God. If you are not interested, God will not show you the pictures of His son. Just getting through The Book to say you read it, will not impress Him. It will not please Him. Looking for His Son will please Him. And He will show you His Son.

  • Let's hope not...

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