Yugioh assault mode deck?
I need some help with my assault mode deck. It's not as fast was a want it to be, and i always seem to get a bad hand. Could you please fix it up?
Assault Beast x3
Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind x3
Blackwing- Sirocco the Dawn x3
Cyber dragon x1
Dark Resonator x1
Morphing jar x1
Mystic tomato x2
Psychic commander x2
Sangan x1
Stardust dragon/Assault mode x3
Assault Teleport x2
Card Destruction x1
Emergency teleport x1
Gaint Trunade x1
Heavy storm x1
Instant fusion x2
Lightning vortex x1
Magical mallet x1
Monster reborn x1
Mst x1
Assault mode activate x3
Mirror force x1
Reckless greed x2
The Transmigration Prophecy x1
Torrential tribute x1
Thank you for you time. Oh if you can could you possilbly get me a Dad assault mode deck, based on getting dad and assault modes fast and easily?
Update:Exstra deck
Flame swordsman x3
Armory Arm x1
Blackwing Armor master x1
Colossal Figher x1
Dark Strike Fighter x1
Goyo Guardian x1
Magical Android x1
Red Dragon Archfiend x1
Stardust dragon x3
Thought Ruler Archfiend x1
Here is a faster, more consistant build. It is also cheaper than the expensive builds.
Monsters: 19
3 Stardust Dragon / Assault Mode
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1 Cyber Dragon
2 Assault Beast
1 Assault Mercenary
2 Rose, Warrior of Revenge
2 Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude
1 Armageddon Knight
2 Krebons
1 Sangan
2 Summoner Monk
1 Plaguespreader Zombie / BW - Gale the Whirlwind / Psychic Commander
Spells: 14
2 Upstart Goblin
2 Allure of Darkness
2 Assault Teleport
1 Emergency Teleport
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Heavy Storm
1 Giant Trunade
1 Monster Reborn
1 Brain Control
1 Mind Control
Traps: 7
3 Threatening Roar
3 Assault Mode Activate
1 Torrential Tribute
Extra Deck: 15
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
2 Colossal Fighter
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
2 Dark Strike Fighter
2 Iron Chain Dragon
3 Stardust Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Magical Android
1 Armory Arm
Assault Mode Deck
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Yugioh assault mode deck?
I need some help with my assault mode deck. It's not as fast was a want it to be, and i always seem to get a bad hand. Could you please fix it up?
Assault Beast x3
Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind x3
Blackwing- Sirocco the Dawn x3
Cyber dragon x1
Dark Resonator x1
Morphing jar...
i think your deck is good
but if you always have a bad hand
try minimizing your spells and concentrate on trapping your opponent that would give you time to summon your syncros
your assault deck is a nice deck
goodluck men!
i hope i helped you