How do I transfer to Abraham Lincoln High School brooklyn NY?

I want to transfer from current school Williamsburg Charter High School to Abraham Lincoln High School my math grade 75 and my english is 86


  • It depends.

    Are you starting 9th grade or are you going into 10th to 12th grade?

    If you are starting 9th grade, simply fill out a new high school application in December listing Abraham Lincoln. Ask your guidance counselor to help you. Acceptances come out in March. If you get into Abraham Lincoln (which is pretty likely, as it's not the most sought after school) you can start there in September of your sophomore year.

    If you are older, though, it can be MUCH harder. Read this webpage from to learn exactly how it works for kids who are already in 10th grade or beyond:

  • Not a travel question. [There IS an "Education" section on Yahoo Answers.]

    Call the school and ask them.

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