Is being bipolar a serious issue?

A lot of times ill just cry for hardly any reason for a while then get over it and things will be fine. Sometimes ill get mad and just wanna hit something over something stupid that pissed me off but no for that much reason. I know this must be a bipolar issue but I know a lot of people are the same way.. So is this like a serious issue I need help with?


  • No one on Yahoo! Answers will be able to diagnose you with bipolar disorder. You will need to seek mental health treatment to determine a diagnosis. But to answer your original question, bipolar disorder is not a "serious" issue if it is treated effectively. You can live a happy, healthy, and emotionally stable life with the right treatment, regardless of if you have bipolar disorder or not.

  • My sister is 30 years and was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in her late teens. She waited to be diagnosed because she wasn't sure if her mood swings were related to teen hormones, so unless these feelings are conflicting with everyday activities, I'd suggest the same for you. Keep a log of your emotions to show a doctor if things get worse.

    Best of luck!

  • just because you cry and get made doesnt necessarily mean you are bipolar. do you get creative and hyper and euphoric, too? and when you get depressed, do you move slowly and talk sluggishly?

    and are you depressed for a reason? does the depression come in waves and then go away?

    sounds like you should see a doctor. if this happens a lot, what you described, then it's not something to take lightly.

  • Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness. It can lead to dangerous behaviors, suicidal thoughts or actions and destruction of relationships if left untreated. If you suspect that you have bipolar disorder, proper diagnosis is needed.

  • Just because you're emotional it doesn't mean you're bipolar. Some people just need to develop more self control.

    If you are experiencing any form of depression it is important to seek help and receive the correct diagnoses from a trained professional.

  • It serious but over diagnosed in my opinion. See a liscened professional for better info.

  • Bipolar can be managed with treatment. Let your doctor help you.

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