Olá amigos.

Peço a ajuda de quem realmente sabe inglês (que não seja usado o google tradutor).

Como eu posso falar bem de um povo usando essa frase para serem inseridas em uma texto:

Traduzir p/ o inglês:

" São pessoas amáveis, educados, receptíveis como são os brasileiros "

Em suma, como vc descreveria um povo de outro país que vc se identifica e gosta muito... eu coloquei essa frase que está acima, MAS, vc descreveria como??? Por favor,me dê sua opinião..... escreva em inglês e em português.

Muito obrigado aos que me ajudarem.


  • They're kind, polite and receptive people as brazilians are.

  • Ok,then let's go,this is just a draft ,so you need modificate accordind with ya,right?

    Title:My vacation At Brasilians World Cup

    I had been saving money to do this travel to Brazil,'cause i heard a lot of good things there and i went to confirm it.

    When I arrive I was surprise i request some information to arrive to the stadium and,some people went towards me and start talk to me just for talk,because Brazilians people like make friends,they are friendly,it's in the beggining was weird for me,but i accostomed and instead worry about it i started to enjoy.

    I support to Germany and they won this world cup,when i was at Brazil i made a bet and i won

    Actualy on my first day that i went to Brazil i was scared because i was alone,but in the first game that i watched some people invite me to drink,dance and things like this.

    In the end i think that we have to learn with Brazil,i think that the citizens of my country need be like Brazilians here They're kind, polite and receptive people as brazilians are,but we miss here happy/glee..

  • I realy like the people of this country. They're so nice and gentle! I felt like I was at my home when I were with them. I apreciated a lot their company.

    Eu gosto realmente das pessoas desse país. Eles são tão simpáticos e gentis! Eles fizeram-me sentir em casa quando estive com eles. Apreciei muito a companhia deles.

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