Complex Capricorns?

I hear that Capricorn women are complicated, always busy, hide their emotions...but that they are loyal, hard workers, and love strongly when they love. The problem is...I find Capricorn women to be super complex beings. I have been talking to a Capricorn that I am very interested in and I THINK she is interested too because she acknowledges my interest and doesn't dispute it. I don't expect her to come out and say she is interested in me also. She is very busy so I hardly get her on the phone. So I want to know how to tell if a Capricorn is interested in you if you can't tell by how much they call you or try to spend time with you? What are other signs?

-She asked me to be patient with her

-She tells me she's not ignoring me at all or not answering calls on purpose, but that she has been working non-stop

-She told me she finds me very attractive and loves my voice

-She said she wants to get to know me

-She makes a little time to talk to me when she can


Snippet of a phone convo...I said "When I get you on the phone, it's so hard for me to say what I've been wanting to say for so long" Her response was..."It's ok...when you're really interested in someone it's a lot easier to send a text or voicemail because it's impersonal, but harder to say it on the phone because you don't want to mess up...I understand"

She acknowledged that she knew I was very interested and didn't say she wasn't. Is that a sign? I've been analzying this to death!


  • What you have written is so much like me. Its good she knows that you are interested in her. what she has asked for was true. " To be patient". It takes really long for us to get into any relationship. We just wanted to make sure that the guy will always love us no matter what happens.

    I don't like to talk on the phone and i also hardly return the calls of the guy that i am interested in. I have never shown him that i like him till now. We are complicated. But once i love someone i can never quit. So i guess it might be worth waiting for :)

  • I think you're too obsessed with this cappy girl

    I had a friend who is a Taurus. Only 5 months of the relationship, Her cappy girlfriend avoided him but she didn't tell him why and she was always busy too. It's been 6 months now since the girl is gone (guess It was a silence break-up), but this Taurus guy has still been asking the same question, Just like yours. She left him with confusion. Yeah... she's complex.

    And you know what? the truth is she was dating another man while dating him and she left him for a richer guy who can give her more than the Taurus male could offer.

  • I'm a capricorn and I read that stuff just 4 fun. Star sighns are acurate sometimes and other times they're not. I'm socail and free spirited I also don't really want space I want my friends with me all the time, not really like normal capricorns. People are people star sighns are fun but they can't really tell you how someone is.

  • Wow so much to read. This is a typical cap girl. You know get a life and hobby and keep yourself occupied. If it's meant to be the universe will grant it. wink ;)

  • yes they put you on hold they are commitment phobic and enjoy life and have to have different people around them. they are go with the flow any pressure your out, unconditional love is what they want , and they may give it in about 5 years, maybe,

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