If your max is 140 find out 60% of it and 3 times a week do 8 to 10 reps then the next week do your 70% 6 to 8 reps still at 3x a week (days not in a row) then the next week find your 80% of your max and do 4 to 6 reps 3x a week then find your 90% and do 2 to 4 reps 3x a week then next week try maxing out again. Always strive for the higher amout of reps im 14 and i do this at my gym i did it for about 6 weeks and raised my max from 80 pounds to 125 pounds and i weigh 140 so make sure u strive and eat lots of protien have milkshakes and cheeseburgers and dont forget about squat and deadlift to! Best of luck to ya!
If your max is 140 find out 60% of it and 3 times a week do 8 to 10 reps then the next week do your 70% 6 to 8 reps still at 3x a week (days not in a row) then the next week find your 80% of your max and do 4 to 6 reps 3x a week then find your 90% and do 2 to 4 reps 3x a week then next week try maxing out again. Always strive for the higher amout of reps im 14 and i do this at my gym i did it for about 6 weeks and raised my max from 80 pounds to 125 pounds and i weigh 140 so make sure u strive and eat lots of protien have milkshakes and cheeseburgers and dont forget about squat and deadlift to! Best of luck to ya!
Keep benching. Drink alot of water and take protein to help build muscle faster and recover from being sore faster
Why are you bench pressing? I bet you want to show your fake muscles to your friends mom so you can have sex with her