Why is america so opressive?

Why do americans claim that america is the best country on earth when clearly our rights are being taken away and anyone who does not vote for the democrips or the rebloodicians is somehow unpatriotic when in reality neither have the solutions that this country needs? BTW please spare me the lies that the boys in camo are protecting our rights when in reality they are fighting for a country that is becoming increasingly socialistic and poor. If we live in such as free country then why is it that men are the only ones who have to register for selective service when women should be required to as well?


  • America was founded on the basis of the greedy Freemasons. The only reason for being in Iraq, and Afganistan is so that we can establish ties with the govt and exploit any natural resources that the area might yield.

    A couple years back, I saw a 60 minutes episode that cought on video Iranian oil being transported in trucks across the border into Iraqi Kurdistan which was at the time under AMERICAN CONTROL. The exploit resources of the region they occupy.

    Remember the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin that led to the U.S. invasion of Vietnam? It was found that Lyndon B. Johnson who was a Freemason had fabricated this to use as an excuse for invading Vietnam.

  • I would disagree with your statement of American becoming more socialist. If anything it is embracing extreme capitalism more and more. Even the so-called socialist health care reform is capitalistic, since it mainly forces Americans to buy from the PRIVATE insurance industry. Public schools are being privatized at an increasing rate, not to mention the government policies mostly favor corporations than provide "socialist" safety-net for Americans. These are facts.

    However, I do agree with the rest of your statement, the current political system does not allow third parties to compete, and they both follow the same foreign policy that ultimately creates hate toward America in various countries.

  • Gosh Jake, a little misogynistic aren't we?

    You may be surprised to learn that there are subtle - yet distinct - differences between men and women. Regardless, I believe you are imagining this loss of rights and disrespecting men and women much braver than you does not help your argument.

  • Just stay away from politics and don't get involved; live in a state that is less populated and you'll be fineee :P (Yep I agree that there are stupid laws that shouldn't be there and take away rights, however; if you visit 3rd world countries, you'll realize we really have it nice here ^^ Hell no it's not perfect, but then again, nowhere is O.o)

  • If you hate America so much, consider moving away. You list bad things, and ignore the good things. Go shove a stick inside your feces-making cavity

  • im looking for the same answers too brother.

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