WTF? This dosent make sense?

How the **** did Jesus find guys named peter, john, james, matthew, andrew, phillip,thomas and simon in the middle east and 2000 years ago!?!


  • I know, right? So weird that people had names back then.

  • Englishised names based on hebrew names

  • They were THERE. Scientists have found buried bones with names carved on the boxes from over 2000 years ago. For instance, I saw a photo of a grave box with "JAMES, BROTHER OF JESUS" carved on it, only it was in Arabic, or something.

  • One needs to create a product that their target will associate with. It is after all a phundamantal in sales.

  • Jesus is easily as unlikely a middle eastern name as John or Matthew....

    All these names are anglicized.

  • what were you expecting muslims names? you do know the middlle east was part of the roman empire back in Jesus' time ~30 AD... and muhammad only came ~500AD..

  • That is how their Jewish names are translated into english and other languages

  • throughout life sometimes it is the weak and the uneducated who are chosen and end up being in control of their own lives, as they say >"God works in mysterious ways ."

  • Translations..... duhhhhhhhh

  • Also how Jesus is the only white dude in the entire Middle East.

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