what does para means ?

what is the real definition of para ?


  • In Portuguese and Spanish, 'para' means 'for'.

  • along side- 1. a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, most often attached to verbs and verbal derivatives, with the meanings “at or to one side of, beside, side by side” (parabola; paragraph; parallel; paralysis), “beyond, past, by” (paradox; paragogue); by extension from these senses, this prefix came to designate objects or activities auxiliary to or derivative of that denoted by the base word (parody; paronomasia), and hence abnormal or defective (paranoia), a sense now common in modern scientific coinages (parageusia; paralexia). As an English prefix, para- 1 may have any of these senses; it is also productive in the naming of occupational roles considered ancillary or subsidiary to roles requiring more training, or of a higher status, on such models as paramedical and paraprofessional: paralegal; paralibrarian; parapolice.

  • sometimes, PARA is a prefix, like paraplegic. para-Olympics. or paragraph.

    but you often see "para" just referring to or abbreviating "paragraph."

    sometimes, in mark up language on a written paper, para means "start a new paragraph here."

  • para is a prefix. It doens't have a "definition"

  • Hello,

    Im Spanish it means for or in order to.


    Michael Kelly

  • It means "for" in Spanish. I think it might also mean "stop" in Spanish.

  • stop ... spanish right? but if you are referring to a person is parate like hey parate ... hey stop

    parate can work for male or female

  • what language?

    in english, it's a prefix.

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