Nintendo 3DS as a MP3 Player?

Would I be able to listen to some stuff with the 3DS closed, like if it was a mp3 player.

Thank You


  • I know that you can listen to wmv songs on a DSi, closed as well.

    But I don't know about 3DS.

  • Knowing Nintendo's design styles with handheld consoles, I highly doubt it. I'm so sick of Nintendo, they need to get with the times. They're 3 years behind technology-wise, and they only reason they do so well business-wise is because of their name and how cheap their consoles are.

    Nintendo is one of the richest, if not THE richest game company in the world, yet their tech is damn near out of date.

    ...any time now, I assume a hardcore Nintendo fan will pitch in their two cents.

  • It should be able to but is a ? for nintendo or gamestop.

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