why is Africa so uncivilized?

I believe God created Adam and Eve and they are our common ancestors,but why is the African region unable to get out of poverty? is there any scientific reasons that shows why this part of the world is uncivilized? No Racists please!! I am curious to know what hold them back. every part of the world is transformed by its inhabitants,why they are unable to do the same?


@Johnny, tnx for your suggestion.Sir; God is the intelligent designer of the Universe, though we all are His creations,we all are not good at using our gifts or say our brain.some people use it effectively and efficiently while others keep it idle ( there is also a reason for this).such questions will never be able to disprove the bible,perhaps nothing can disprove it.


  • Get your hands on a copy of Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond. It's an intro to anthropology class in one book. Amazing.

    This book changed my life. It's not just about why some countries are "uncivilized" (thinking about the slave trade, the Conquistadors and the way the European settlers handled the First Nation tribes, I'm sure the term "civilized" is definitely open to interpretation), but also why some countries have dominated others.

    The briefest answer to your question: Geography and climate. Get more answers in the book. I know you believe in Adam and Eve, but you also wanted science. This will help you if you keep an open mind.

    Good question! You're one the right track.


    Your response and entire question might be the most ironic thing I've ever read. Good luck with your life.

    Also, if you already have the answers, then why ask questions? Heaven forbid you actually learn something.

    Next time someone says that they believe that the book of Genesis is literally true, I'll just assume that they are willfully ignorant. I should have done that before, but I had some hope for you. Sad.

  • Basically the more adaptive & adventure oriented people left Sub Sahan Africa ~80,000 years ago & experienced a number of bottle necks (severe selective population pressures) that allowed only the most adaptive to survive. Therefore only the most innovative and cooperative people survived to reproduce due to changing environmental situations & the need for organization.

    Lenny seems to have a distorted view about European settlements in prehistory that brought on European civilizations. Recent discoveries in the UK & Europe suggests some large civilizations existed there 1000s of years before the pyramids were built... the problem was they typically built structures from wood which tended to decay more rapidly than did stone used in areas devoid of timber.

    You asked for Science then stated that you adopted the story about the talking snake that convinced a naked man & woman to eat a magic fruit that made them smart enough to have sex & make Able & Cain. Cain killed Able then went to the land of Nod to find a wife... how did the wife happen? Science deals with evidence & faith by definition excludes all evidence to the contrary.

  • I'm not sure that not having two major world wars and killing off 60 million or so people makes them particularly uncivilized.They are under developed but that's due to a shortages of resources that seem to be present in the rest of the world.Plus the fact that the civilizations they at one time did have seem to have been destroyed by European and Middle Eastern civilizations and drought.

  • Reason for Sub-Saharan Africa (70% of inhabitable part of thecontinent) developing slower than Eurasia is in the shape of the continent and its climate. Read "Guns, Germs and Steel" book by Jarred Diamond.

    But northern (Mediterranean) 30% of Africa were doing just fine or better than fine.

    When large cities were built Egypt the Europeans were still living in forests with less civilisation than Zulu had in Africa.

  • What constitutes "civilization" is subjective. African countries tend to be poor relative to other parts of the world. That doesn't mean they're uncivilized. In most civilizations before modern times, the majority of the population were illiterate and poor by modern standards.

  • This is typical Euro-centric ignorance and arrogance.

    You have been completely brainwashed by racist media, racist academia, racist cinema and racist interpretation of the Bible.

    You must be the descendant of European slavers and colonialists who have erased the following chapters of world history from history textbooks:

    1) When Africans created powerful empires and brilliant civilizations when Europeans were living in the Stone or Dark ages (the Egyptians, the Moors, the Ethiopians etc.);

    2) When Africans enslaved thousands of Europeans under different names like the Mameluke, the Janissaries, and the Barbary slaves;

    3) When Africans founded cities across Europe before the Roman empire (like Therouanne in France), during the Roman empire (Mortain, Mortagne in France), in the Middle ages (like Morancé in France);

    4) When noble Europeans intermixed and intermarried with Africans, including the British Royal Family;

    5) When African Christians were spreading the Word of Jesus among pagan Europeans thousands of years ago;

    6) When Africans founded powerful empires and vast kingdoms who had embassies in Europe 500 years ago, Kingdom of Kongo had embassies in Portugal, Italy and Holland;

    7) When the richest man in the world was the Emperor of Mali thanks to his gold mines;

    8) When African seafarers and sea rovers dominated the South Atlantic Ocean, formerly named the Ethiopic Sea or Aethiopian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea;

    9) When ancient Greeks were studying in ancient Egypt or medieval Europeans studied in the Moorish capital of Al Andalus;

    10) When European placed the head of a Black African (the Moor's head) on their family and city coat of arms;

    11) When European colonialists and slavers destroyed African kingdoms and empires like the Kingdom of Kongo destroyed by Portuguese.

    There are DEVELOPING and LOW INCOME countries in Europe that never make the headlines in international media controlled by powerful White lobbies. There are book bans and press censorship about poor European countries.

    Thousands of European women (East European women, mostly) are human and sex trafficked across the world, including the Middle East. They receive little media coverage.

    There pure white people who still live in CAVES high in the mountains of Afghanistan or Pakistan. They are called the Nuristani.

  • There have been actually many civilizations in Africa, check it out:

    - Ancient Egypt

    - Ancient Carthage

    - Kushite Empire

    - Almoravid Dynasty

    - Almohad Dynasty

    - Fatimid Dynasty

    - Mamluk Dynasty

    - Aksumite Empire

    - Benin Empire

    - Kongo Empire

    - Great Zimbabwe

  • Could be a culture that doesn't equate money, possessions etc with happiness.

  • Do you still belive in God?

  • What do you care for science, you already rejected it.

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