Do vampires burp.....?

BQ: Do they like fried chicken?


  • When they drink some blood which tastes like coke.

  • my buddy Lestat says yes to burping and no to chicken. He's says burping up some blood meal is like feeding twice on the same person.

  • You can just about tell a Troll question a mile away because they don't use logic in the question. Being in a Human form, they would probably have the same characteristics. I hate Chicken, probably more than any thing else.

  • Well if they are real, then yes. All Living things do what humans do. All Living things have to digest. It is not even passable for anything to rely on blood. Blood is what keeps you going, but does not keep you always alive.

  • if when he drinks blood too fast and he swallows air, then yes.

    They don't poop though

  • I'm not sure lemme go ask 1 ......

  • No they don't for vampires do not breath..........................................

  • ( . Y . )

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