RIP Mainstream (WWE&TNA) Pro Wrestling, Whenever - 2007?

It was nice knowing you.

Anyway, i dont feel like defending "who takes roids" etc.

I cant wait till i start seeing Orton bashers out in full force. I just hope you realise that there are 9 other guys you can bash on.

Ah well, i the ONLY good aspect of this is

- Pushing new guys

Expect Punk/Burke on ECW

Shelton will FINALLY get his push which has actually brought a tear to my eye.

Oh can anyone possibly defend that Cena, Rey and Lashley arent on roids?

This is bigger than Benoit, bigger than Owen, bigger than anything else. I think this will show by how Raw, ECW and SD are produced/written this week.

Also TNA, they are officially dead to me, how dare you squash the Motor City Machine Guns in 90secs against VKM. Defend that TNA fans


Do you also feel digusted to be a fan right now? I know i am


  • Here is your answer to your wrestling woes.



    Order there DVD's and you will be very pleased with the amount of and ability of wrestling you will see. Trust me

    Oh and about the MCMG and VKM. I think I just died a little. I stopped watching TNA and didn't see that. Sabin and Shelley are 2 of THE best wrestlers out there today and one of the most enjoyable tag teams to watch. I should really send TNA some **** in a box considering all the **** they show us.

    Oh and to snow_usc;_ylt=Ag3QC...

  • To Outhers !

    Are we to Assume that You wish he would have Flushed his Steroids. I bet Vince McMahon wishes he never Hired him. Vince got You Hook, Line and Sinker; Whereas Wrestlers will no longer be as Pumped Up, the Sport Yes Sport will Live-on as Entertainment / Sport, Vince is History, I know it, his Family knows it, the Media knows it, Vince will Put on Game Shows and People will View. For the Rest of this Year Wrestling will Suck, Look to the Long Term Effects. Bigger and Better things will always Result. CHRIS BENOIT restocked and set out his Steroids to Kill the Steroid Scourge.

  • Im not digusted because today is a turning point in wrestling for the better. Hopefully it gets cleaned up im sick of seeing wrestlers die years before their time.Please God LET THIS BE SHELTON'S PUSH!

  • Maybe Sandman will actually get a serious push on Raw.

  • its going to get interesting ,,,,crazyiest thing I ever heard

    another bad blow to pro wrestling

    look to me like road dog got the worst of that match he took a beating for 80 of the 90 seconds

  • Maybe Kane will get another push. And hopefully win the championship this time.

  • i'm actually quite glad this has occured. yes it has affected the roster but in the long run it will help by stopping deaths in the WWE.

  • i see this as a new beginning for tha wwe, not the end, we will finaly see shelton get a push

  • the wwe has not released the names of the wrestlers they suspended.

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