It makes no sense, why am i a furry?

I'm gay and I understand why. It makes some sense that a man can be attracted to another man but it makes no sense that I'm attracted to anthromorphic men. There's nothing weird about my life that could have caused it, I'm just turned on by it and I can't figure out why I feel like such a freak. I'm turned on, yet extremely put off my myself. Can any non-bigitod people please tell me why? I break down all the time about it, I'm almost disgusted with myself. Please, for the love of God and all that is holy help. I feel ASHAMED.


  • Dont feel ashamed, some guys like black guys, some girls like transexuals, and you like anthromorphic men: furries. So what, your you! I dated a guy who was a furry, I could care less because I liked him for him. Your not a freak :)

  • You already asked this question. But I don't mind repeating myself. You don't have to feel disgusted with yourself; people have different sexual preferences. And while I personally wouldn't be into anything like that, there are far weirder things that you could be sexually attracted to, so I wouldn't get too hung up over it.

  • Don't feel ashamed! You just have a fetish. Many people have fetishes, they come in various forms, and your just happens to be that you're more attracted to anthropomorphic men. There are other men that are just like you, they're just rare.

  • It's easier to picture sex yourself with anthropomorphic people than to watch real porn with real people. With furries, they look like whatever you want them to look like, you just focus on the sex and not on the appearance of the people involved. You are free to use your imagination and picture them as the people you are into, facial features, hair color, eye color, body ect...

  • Why ask for the love of god if you like the devil for using the numbers 666 in your name and then disrespecting him by being gay?

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