Do atheists celebrate <span >Christmas</span>?

Since they do not believe in Jesus Christ, I was just wondering if they celebrated Christ, and if so why?


  • Atheists who make money off things sold for Christmas celebrate, and I hope that as a result some of them will learn enough about Jesus so that they will become Christians. Remember that God moves in strange ways...

    Please thank your son for helping defend my freedom. I hope that when his time in the military is done he can return to the greatest country on God's earth and have many decades to enjoy the freedom he has helped protect for us all.

  • Yes they do celebrate Christmas. Christmas was based on a Pagan holiday. However they don't celebrate the religious aspects. For most people, Christmas is a time to get together with family and friends, enjoy each other's company and celebrate the magic of the season.

  • Yes, most people, celebrate Christmas because it is a US holiday and a day off for everyone, including the athiests. Getting a paid holiday is ok as long as they don't have to work (Thank you Jesus!).

  • Atheists celebrate being with their family. If their family is celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah, they are vicariously celebrating a religious holiday.

  • I am not an athiest my any stretch, but I also do not celebrate christmas as a religious holiday (but simply as a day of family and togetherness).

    Since the Bible doesn't instruct us to celebrate the day (or any other religious holiday), but it does say not to add to or take away from the word, we don't.

  • I think they do, but not for the same reason Christians do.It is a time for family to come together and celebrate each other.You have to admit Christmas is becoming less and less about Christ.I do not hold much stock in the bible myself but still celebrate the day to spend quality time with my wife and kids.

    We all may disagree about religion but we can all agree on spending time with our families.Which is a special holiday all in its self....

  • You can do kind things and give presents without invoking the name of Christ. Is happiness and joy only reserved for the believers? Being good person has nothing to do with religion. In fact, some of the nicest people I know would never proclaim to be religious. And some of the worse drunks, wife beaters, and drug users seem to use God as their crutch to forgive their sins.

  • I do. Christmas was originally a Pagan holiday. Also, I see it as a holiday for family and friends to celebrate together.

  • i get soo sicked and tired of atheists tooting their self righteous horns, "Christmas was originally a pagan holiday"

    oh ya! so why dont you go celebrate it the way the ancient pagans did,

    Christmas is these two things, Christian or secular

    Christian = nativity scenes, crosses, worship, church, adoration.

    Secular = santa clause, elves, flying reindeers

  • we did/do, its the things to do here in america. my father is one but he had up a tree and my mom had him up on the roof putting deco up, lol.

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