Is my cat's cloudy eye serious?

I just noticed that one of my cat's eyes is a bit cloudy. It doesn't seem to bug him,and he's not acting any different... should I be concerned?


  • Not at all, one of my cat's eye is entirely cloudy, It's been like that for over a year, since she was born.

  • We have a cat who has the same symptom. Her eye gets cloudy and eventually clears up again. She shows no signs of pain. I have read up on it and believe it to be a third eye lid that appears and then goes away eventually. Right now both eyes are clear....but it will probably change in a while. It is like a cycle of events.

  • feels like an infection or a scratched eye that should exchange into an infection.. it ought to get intense if left on my own i advise you're taking it to the vet as quickly as achieveable.. My cat consistently gets issues in her eyes because of the fact shes so curious and it each and every often times get quite cloudy and watery yet while its no longer that undesirable i am going away it to heal via its self yet your cats eye looks notably annoying or discomfort finished for itself... desire your cat gets greater acceptable

  • How old is your cat? he may have cataract eye - which we humans have when we got older. Some of us have earlier age as well from different medication of eye drops if eyes have been inflamed previously. Your cat must be couple of years old. Why don't you ask your pet doctor, he could have a look at it. It may not be serious, but also it may be making him blind (don't want to worry you just go soon to the doctor)

  • A scratch on the cornea may cause this, or it could be a cataract. The first would usually have a cream prescribed by the vet, to help it heal. There's not much you can do about the second though.

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