Do you like my idea for a sequel to E.T. the Extra Terrestrial?

I know Spielberg vowed to never make a sequel, but if he did.......

BTW isn't the title of the movie a bit redundant? It's saying Extra Terrestrial the Extra Terrestrial. But anyway, it's 25 years later and Elliott is what about 35 now, and because of his encounter with E.T. he grows up to become an astronaut and sure enough, E.T. contacts him, except now he's phoning on an extra terrestrial cell phone, and boy those minutes must add up, but anyway, E.T. gives Elliott directions to find his planet by GPS and so Elliott takes off and visits E.T. for the rest of the movie. And the name of the movie? I thought you'd never ask. " ETC. "


  • Fantastic idea. And you should go with Elliott you nut! Notify Speilberg immediately. I think you have a winner here.


  • Great idea, but surely GPS wouldn't work outside the confines of Earth.

  • I think the original movie have a very nice ending.

    A sequel could not say anything else!!

  • I like mine ET comes back with his race and wipes us out

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