Ramadan: do you use a credit card?


@khalid - jazakallah khair for the links

Update 3:

@Hasan999 - I think you'r talking about debit cards. I have a debit card too and I only use the current account. However, I also have a credit card that I don't use. So I was just wondering...


  • Please be direct in your question. Whether people use it or not, does not imply that it is halal or haram. As for your question, the answer is:

    As long as no interest (riba) is involved, it is permissible to use a credit card facility. For this, a credit card holder should ensure that deposits are made on time to avoid paying interest.

    Check out these links:



  • I heard a Sheikh say that if it's set up that for example the money is automatically withdrawn from your account each month to pay the balance...or you FORR SUUREEEE won't be late in paying it and thus are absolutely certain you won't incur interest...then you can use it

    but debit cards pretty much do all that credit cards do..don't they ?

    loveee debit cardss!

    but just having a credit card - which u do not use and know it doesn't incur interest then that's not a problem insha'Allah

    and Allah Subhanhu wa Ta'ala knows best

  • let's talk about economie ..

    we have hallal money and haram money

    hallal money come from job,sadaka,zakat

    harram money come from stole,riba and other forbiden ..

    credit card is the access to banc to bring a money .. so we put money in bank : 100$

    we don't care about benefice only we had 100$ so if we borrow from bank .. the bank add %

    let say 1 %

    if we borrow 100$ so we have to pay 101$ after ..and the 1$ is harram for that we cant borrow from bank .. so try to only bring your money without any benefice and try to borrow from friend without %

    you are in the case you are oblige to deal with bank ..because bank isn't safe with hallal and harram .. and god know ..you should also ask imam !

  • Yes, I do use a credit card. But what is the purpose of asking this question ?

  • EDIT: @asker, as far as I know, there are two accounts:

    1) Savings

    2) Current

    Savings account deal with Interest, so as long as we don't (have or) use that, it's fine.

    Current account is for dealing with day-to-day payments etc., and that is acceptable.

  • No just Visa

  • i don't even have a bank account

    im 14,i have a piggy bank :P

  • No i don`t use that .I`ve got one but i never used it.

  • Nope I'm not old enough :L

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