fancy dress problem, help?

my 5 year old daughter has to dress as a parrot next week at school as a end of term party thing, any good ideas to make her look good as a parrot as the winning kid wins a prize? i am on a budget so any cheaper ideas are very welcome? thank you!!!


  • pop down to a craft shop and get some fethers in a pack i no sussex stationers have a tub for around £1.45 if you have one near you, and dress her up in bright colours and attach the feathers to her hair on a hair band or hair tie, lots of bright colours and maybe some face paint, maybe try and make some wings out of a bright coloured big scarf ( the kind you wear on your arms at a wedding or something if you have one). as long as you keep her nice and bright and colourful and stick with the feathers she will look great! hope she wins! ( just to add you could make a beak out of foam i think its called because it will be flexable and wont rub on her face!)

  • Get a very large balloon and blow it up, costs about 30p while your out buy a packet of wall paper paste, blow up the balloon until it's big enough for your daughters body to fit inside, from the neck down to her legs stick newspaper strips to it until it is completely covered and about 6/8 mm thick and leave to dry, it will take at least 24 hours to dry and possibly longer so you'll need to get on with it, while it drying cut some feather shaped pieces of paper hundreds of them, old newspapers will do even the free ones,when the balloon paper is dry paint it blue on the back yellow on the front, do the same with the strips and again when dry stick them on, burst the balloon and carry on from there, cut the main body up both sides for access obviously cut out a hole for her head and legs and use ribbons or fabric to fasten back together, you'll get the picture when you start, good luck it's great fun making it, you can make a head piece using a large hat or another smaller balloon and do the same again. good luck

  • try to google parrot costume you can order it online it should only take 3-5 days 7 at the most


    Perhaps getting a brightly coloured leotard with some brght tights, and sewing on bright strips of coloured fabric to the sleeves and main body (such as reds, blues, greens, purples etc)? Perhaps even buying the beak which is in the 2nd link above too?

  • Green Crepe paper skirt

    Cardboard wings, painted green

    Paper cup with cone on the end, painted orange

    And tell her that her catchphrase is: Polly wants a cracker.

    Best of luck to you both.


  • I definitely have considered a gown in a shop i imagine its particularly cool if u can locate one which feels like it it wiil be solid that's white and it incorporates darkish pink dots and the sleeves r vast like a ballon and on the waist there's a dismal pink belt i imagine that's particularly cool desire I definitely have helped

  • dress her in multi coloured clothes and make a cardboard beak with a string to put around her head and tie her hair up in a ponytail with different coulerd bobbins running down it

  • go to a craft store and get some featheres lots of them

    then sow or buy a really soft fabric in to a dress and glue featheres on it! i know it sounds stupid but you know!

  • well. u can try to scrownge around ur house. imaginative is the best way to go.


    you could buy this book and it shows you how to make a parrolt costume. :)

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