What leader does Obama most closely parallel?


  • He reminds me of several men that took their countries and turned them into dictatorships and/or socialist republics. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Castro, and let us not forget Saddam Husein, and those from the east. God raised them up to show His power when people did not want to acknowledge Him and man has paid the price. Let us wake up before we experience it first hand here in the USA.

    God is talking to us .... are we collectively listening?????

  • Obama is about as unique a leader as it gets. Confident without arrogance. An information sponge like Clinton, but without the need to prove that a poor boy can make good. The smartest man in the room, but not inclined to talk down to those that could use a bit more in the smarts department. As forward thinking as Al Gore, but without smarmy attitude. Not as feisty as Truman, but even more self directed. As inventive as FDR, but understanding that times have changed and what was done then can't be done in the same way now. As personally conservative as Eisenhower but far less stuffy. If he's as good as I believe he is, we have a winner. The only negatives i've ever heard about this man is nonsense I've heard on right wing talk radio......BS that can be discounted because their job is to make up stuff. I'm votin' for the guy...me and a lot of people that are willing to move forward.

  • "Charismatic divine heroes like Obama" What are you some form of McCain plant or something ? it quite is proper out of his classified ads. no longer all of us helping Obama is confident he's the 2nd coming of Christ. some human beings have examine his rules and McCain's and made an recommended decision based on the themes. Crap like that's in simple terms fodder for those attempting to label all and sundry helping Obama as "Kool-help Drinkers". that is embarrassing.

  • To answer your question;

    Barack Obama has the cult of personality like a Adolph Hitler or a Joseph Stalin. with the policies of a Jimmy Carter. Either way America is hosed if Obama gets elected.

  • Rush Limbaugh mentioned that Idi Amin was a socialist.

    Might be worth a look,

    but we won't know until or unless he gets the job he wants

    (God forbid!)

  • The next President of the United States.

  • George McGovern

  • I think he most resembles a combination of JFK, FDR and Abe Lincoln, but primarily he is his own person and is unique. The video is just anti-Obama propaganda.

  • Castro. He has the abilities of the pied piper.

    I know the Obamaites will slam me, but go ahead because you must be too young to remember or too lazy to study some history

  • I agree with the JFK comment. JFK wasn't a good president, but could speak well.

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