Why does france continue its prosperityis?

In France, sometime,The strike often disrupt her economy.

Nevertheless, France continue its prosperityis. Why?


  • Tourism and sales of manufactured goods overseas (especially to Francophone Africa) helps French prosperity. Though natural resources in France are not unlimited and though some raw materials are imported, the profits from finished products are better than if France had just sold raw materials. There is also a certain amount of protectionism in France not seen in the US that protects French manufacturers (e.g. limitations on the import of foreign cars for example). The strikes do not really help prosperity, but prosperity exists in spite of strikes.

  • Because despite what is said France has less strikes and less strike days than other countries like Spain or UK, it's just that our strikes make much more noise as they are usually led by noisy, big unions and public sector employees. We are used to them and work around them.

  • They posses the secrets of bread and tourism.

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