Why do conservatives attack V.A medical care?



One of the conservative talking point against the public option of healthcare was that it would be like going to the V.A . and that americans would not stand for that kind of medical treatment

Update 3:

liberals did not attack the V.A we went after the the bush administration for cutting the V.A budget during wartime ... sorry pal


  • as a veteran myself, with no health insurance, i was glad to read your "question". As positive as it sounds, i hope you aren't fabricating to make a political point. At any rate, so far not one repube has answered your question, but that's to be expected. What the right does is criticize all government run programs, and since VA hospitals are run by the government, they simply must be bad. Your post gives me hope, thanks.

  • I find it also amusing when politicians attack government provided health care since they all get it!!! If they hate it so much then why do they not take it and just buy their private health insurance that they applaud so much.

    Conservatives cannot tell the truth because they do not know the truth. Of course there are exceptions. I don't trust any that get their news solely from Fox News, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

    I know someone that gets care from the V.A. and loves it. His complaint has to do with the doctor asking him questions. He's lazy. I think it's good when the doctor asks questions and listens to the answers.

    There are vast differences even in private hospitals. I'm in Massachusetts. The hospital close to where I live has a horrible reputation and after an experience with them, I can see why. I don't know what the problems are. It just seems like a bunch of clueless people working together. I didn't see any "stars". But in a hospital a little further away - I did see some "stars".

    I think with a less than stellar hospital then it means more work for the patients.

  • I don't about the Conservatives attacking VA care, but I will say this, all VA hospitals are not created equal. My VA hospital has improved by leaps and bounds since the mid 90's . It all depends on the administrator of any given hospital whether the services they provide are top notch or not! The ones that are lacking in patient care should be reported the VAOIG office and if enough complaints are filed something will get done!

  • I have a question for you...did you go to this One person and ask their political affiliation, or was this idiot wearing a shirt saying they were a conservative. I do not feel our veterans can ever get enough care. I believe people who choose to fight for our freedoms are worthy of so much more than they already get. I am a conservative and I am really starting to get upset by being lumped with the people, in whatever party. that are against anything that would hurt this country. Being against what is going on in this country is not partisan. There are many people on both sides of the fence that are for and against the new policies. My sister is a Republican and is for this health care bill because her daughter is in college, elected to not buy the affordable health insurance, and has no coverage. My best friend is a Democrat, voted for Pres O and is at retirement age and is totally against the bill. So, there ya go!

  • It is easy to be hard on the V.A. system. I have read stories about MD's working and doing surgery that didn't have credentials for what they were doing.

    I have seen the epidemic of the V.A. cross contaminating patients from not sterilizing equipment.

    I have seen the epidemic of patients from the V.A. dying from routine proceducres.

    I worked in the V.A. I saw the long lines daily.

    The V.A. system is a joke and not what you should wish on all of us.

    The liberal protested the V.A. system when Bush was president. They are as flippity floppity now more than ever.

    Face it the people don't want to live on Uncle Sam's Plantation and be slaves to the government and gve them control over our health care sytme.

    BHO is for a single payer and so are many other in the Dim Leadership positions.

    The number one problem with health care is third party payment.

    The gvoernment can't fix that and they will only make it worse.

    I dare you to show me the epidemic of spreading infectious diseases and MD's working without credentials that has been going on in the V.A. system.

    Your health care is your responsibility and you should pay for it. Not your government, not your neighbor, not your insurance, and not your employer.

    It is yours.

    We bring more than 40% of health care costs on us directly from lifestyle choices.

    I shouldn't be forced to pay for all of that.

  • Consider yourself lucky. I am a disabled vet and I don't have that luck at the VA hospital around here. I call to make an appt. they take my name and # call me back and TELL ME WHEN it will be, NO OPTIONS,back on the call back list for you if you even hesitate on excepting that appt. I have my own health insurance and I can call make an apt at my own convince, not somebody else's. I get to have it both ways.

    Of course the VA I don't have to pay for, I already paid my share.

  • You were very lucky and I'm glad you got quick treatment. A lot of VA hospitals are is disgraceful condition though and should be fixed immediately. Our troops and veterans deserve the best.

  • The VA needs vast improvement. If the government doesn't have the time or money to make the VA better then how does it have the time or money to make all of America's health care better?

  • I recall the Liberals were attacking the VA when Bush was President, but I guess it's all great now that Obama is in charge.

    Bush never cut VA funding. That was Liberal Rhetoric. The same rhetoric that voters think is fact because they never bother to look up the information. They did they same thing with Education spending (largest increase in history under Bush and guess what the Liberals said?). Keep believing their lies, "Pal"



    Isn't it interesting how the Liberals attacked Bush for his massive spending?

  • There are two kinds of conservatives:

    1) Big business that does anything it can to protect profits, no matter who it hurts.

    2) And the gullible Southerners and Midwesterners who let big money steer them away from their own best interests.

    The second group is much larger, and it doesn't even know what VA healthcare is.

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