Is platinium blonde a natural hair color?

I want to have a small streak of platinium blonde on my hair. but we have a stupid dress code that says we cant have highlights that are unnatural. (like blue, pink, green, etc.) i have tons of ISS and detentions, so i need to make sure that its a natural hair color.


  • platinum blond on its own is a natural color... a platinum blond streak in your hair is not (especially if you have naturally dark hair). This should be obvious that they mean naturally occurring highlights such as those you get from the sun.

  • There are people who have naturally platinum blonde hair, and its more common among people of Swedish or German nationality. On the other hand, streaks in hair is not a natural look because no one is born with streaks in their hair; so the unnatural part is in the execution and not in the color itsself. Perhaps your hair would look more natural if it was all platinum blonde, or if you had subtle highlights that are just a few shades away from your current haircolor.

  • My hair was platinium blonde until I was like 10.

    So yes its natural.

  • Platinium blonde hair is a symptom of Albinism, sure guess it is natural

  • Yeah, It is. It's a really pretty color..But looks fake, with people who weren't born with a natural color(Which you can defiently tell, If it's natural or fake.)

  • i was born with platinum blonde hair, so yes.

  • yea it is. Some people naturally have platinum blonde so it should be considered natural

  • yes. it is.

  • It is.

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