How to make a confidence/self-respect scrapbook?

These school holidays I'm planning on working on my confidence levels. I've improved so much lately and I guess it's kind of addictive to build up on my self respect.

I'm thinking I want to make some sort of scrapbook with random articles on confidence etc. But I've never made a scrapbook in my life! I don't really care about it being professional or anything, I just want to be able to look at it whenever I want a little confidence boost.

So, What will I need to make this scrapbook?

and What are some good ways to lay the contents out?


  • There are some pretty inspiring quotes at You can use one on each page and match the things you put on each page with the kind of quote you chose. You can grab some mags and cut out pics and words that make you feel good and collage them onto the page. I started scrapping by cutting and pasting mag pics and words that described the kind of page I wanted to look at over and over. That led me to stepping out from behind the camera and using photos.

    Sometimes you may want to collage a bad experience on one side of the open album, and the other side you can show how you overcame the sadness or guilt or unhappiness. You can also use a smaller album, like 6x6 or 8x8" so that the blank page isn't intimidating at first.

  • Lay the contents out in a logical progession that makes sense to you and looks good to you. If you like straight lines, line it all up. If you don't like straight lines, put things at fun angles. Use colors you like, too. It's for you, so make it totally yours.

    Get some pretty paper, fun stickers, ribbons, flat buttons, and your articles. Lay things out as you like them and have fun!

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