Alguém aí consegue passar este texto para a terceira pessoa do singular???

I am Morris Pierce. I play the guitar. I mix the different songs that I copy of the good artists. I always go to the I study music in Chicago. When I am in USA. I buy T-shirts and CDs. I am the best in rock'n'roll.


  • "He is Morris Pierce. He plays the guitar. He mix the different songs that he copys of the good artists. He always go to the he study music in Chicago. When he is in USA. He buys T-shirts and CDs. He is the best in rock'n'roll."

    Creio que seja isso, mas parece um texto meio incoerente.

    Isso deve ser trabalho de escola, acredito. Espero ter ajudado.

  • He is Morris Pierce. He plays the guitar. He mixes the different songs that he copies >>FROM<< the good artists. He always goes to the study music in Chicago("I always go to the I study music in Chicago" ficou meio sem sentido. O q vc quis dizer com essa frase? Adaptei). When he is >>AT<< USA he buys T-shirts and CDs. He is the best in rock'n'roll.

    [ ]´s

  • Em português:

    Ele é Morris Pierce. Ele toca violão. Ele mistura as canções diferentes que ele copia dos artistas bons. Ele sempre vai estudar música em Chicago. Quando ele está no E.U.A.. Ele compra Camisetas e CDs. Ele é o melhor em rock'n'roll.

    Em inglês:

    He is Morris Pierce. He plays guitar. He mixes the different songs that he copies of the good artists. He will always study music in Chicago. When he is in E.U.A.. He buys Shirts and Cd. He is the best in rock'n'roll.

  • He is Morris Pierce. He plays the guitar. He mixes the different songs that he copies from good artists. He always goes ... (não entedi esse pedaço- tá faltando alguma coisa!) he studies music in Chicago when he is in the USA. He buys t-shirts and CDs. He's the best in rock'-n'-roll.

  • ai nem acredito to com tanta preguiça...deixa pra proxima ta...bjuxxx

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