Why does my car jerk?

I was driving today doing around 40mph in 4th gear... all of a sudden my car starts to jerk as if the engine was loosing power i had to give it a bit more acceleration to make it better and then it was ok. It has done this to me around 3 times and i always have to give it extra acceleration so it doesn't cut out on me. There are no warning lights on the dash board. Temperature is normal got quarter tank of petrol. Its just recently been serviced and iv looked at the engine all seems ok to me. Oil levels at max, waters at max too. My car is a Skoda Fabia 1.4 MPi 8V X reg (year 2000) with 83,000 miles on the clock.


Got it checked its my EGR valves dirty might just get new one. Thanx 4 answers.


  • chances are its your fuel injectors they probably are coroded and they need cleaned and on top of that it might be you fuel system in general i would suggest getting stp fuel cleaner and get a tune up including fuel injectors fuel filter air filter and spark plugs

  • Why are you in fourth gear at 40mph? I may be wrong but that seems like 3rd to me. In that case it could be a tranny slip from running at the wrong gear. it could also be your computer, was it a single shake or a rumble?

  • that same exact thing is happening to my vw. From what i can figure the mixture is running too rich and kinda mini flooding the motor. make sure the timing is right and the plugs / wires are good. best of luck.

  • if your just barely on the gas or completely off the gas in 4th doing 40, its gonna chug and jerk, to low of mph for that gear.

  • it jerks because u need a tune- up. happened to me to, than i got one than it stop jerking haha

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