wt do u prefer plastic surgery or natural looks?
assuming u met someone before the surgery (and he/she was looking just fine) and again after going under the knife( which enhanced her/his looks), would u prefer the normal natural look? or the artifical post-surgery enhanced look?
Well, I would probably say both. Because If you get plastic surgery and it's because you want to be more confident and truly hate what you look like and nothing other than plastic surgery can change that then I'd prefer them getting it done.. but if it's plastic surgery just for the sake of getting it then i'd perfer natural
I don't really like it as much when celebrities have most of their face tweaked / changed. It just looks too much for me. My mum's had a boob job though and she looks fantastic
x x
normal natural look because plastic surgery to me has a big first impression. when i see someone with plastic surgery i say wow fake person but someone who is themeselves truley means alot because nobody looks on the outside when there is so much more great and BETTER offers on the inside!
If you liked them before, and you liked them afterwards the natural look is always better. However, if they were not comfortable with their previous looks, then you would have to accept that they were not, and hope they feel more confident afterwards. As to what would look more attactive, it would completely depend on who they were, as to what they looked like before and after, and what surgery they had.
plastic surgery..is good if u hav some abnormality in face...
but i would prefer natural face if the face in normal...
there is nothing wrong in face enhancement..........
if u can bear it..u can do it...
normal nautral look !!
plastic surgery just makes a person look fake
i could prefer my organic look because of the fact splendor surgical operation is so stupid.Why ought to human beings exchange the way they look its like asserting your mom and pa are gruesome and it fee to lots and often times you dont get what you prefer so human beings shop getting it persistently after which you fairly look at sight!
normal natural look
I'll go for natural looks any day...
natural look, obviously..
who wants to be fake..?
well, not me, that's for sure.