Do you prefer faux fur shoes to real fur shoes?

I am thinking about getting these when they go on sale:

However, should I rather save a bit more money and buy real fur ones?


  • The fur industry is pretty cruel, so if you absolutely need the fur look I would go fake. But, I personally wouldn't wear either because fake fur looks real, and supports the image of fur as a luxurious part of fashion.

    I won't be preachy, but spare a little thought maybe for the suffering of the animal? And then decide whether you really want the real ones.

  • actual fur or do no longer problem. pretend fur pollutes the planet. I positioned on it by way of fact that's heat, environmentally friendly and keeps to be widespread. additionally, no they are actually not tortured, don't be ignorant and do your guy or woman learn besides what PETA pumps out. And particular i've got self belief animals are meant to be eaten, worn or stored as a much spouse.

  • very very nice boots. I personally wear mink and fur quite a bit and I love it. However I have traveled to places while wearing fur and could just see the PETA activists ready to slap me down. Or, should I say throw a can of paint on my coat.

    You wear and purchase what you can be comfortable in and afford. Many, many people are against fur but yet use leather all the time, makes no sense to me, or they are totally against any form of animals being used for anything but eat meat and can afford to and yet will not rescue a pet from a shelter. Nothing makes any sense to me when it comes to people. So you follow what you enjoy and are comfy in.

  • I prefer real fur because in fake materials my legs sweat and stink. Moreover, 100-140$ for fake fur is ripoff.If look online hard enough you can finder under 50$.Or you can buy fake fur leg warmers for under 20 and wear it with existing boots.

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