I wrote a poem about 2012?

I know some of you won't agree about December 2012's predictions of disaster...

But I've been curious lately.. if any of them were true.. Anyway here's a poem i just wrote (:


The sky changes, a young heart races..

All around me they panic with fearful faces..

The sun has risen and with it follows disaster..

Unaware of what'll happen my heart beats faster..

I run through the city and I cross a tower..

When all of a sudden it's a meteor shower..

The tower is struck and starts to lean..

it falls before me and I die a teen..


  • Well, I don't like the words "I die a teen". That kind of cuts it off for those of us who are not a "teen".

    If something happens, we will all die and none of this will matter.

    Just put it out of your head - what's the point? We are either here or we are not.

    Forget about it.

    Let me tell you, if the powers that be delivered news that in a couple of hours we will be annihilated - I would smoke and drink beer. Might as well feel relaxed if you are going out.

  • well u described the scene quite well and its real nice

    much like me during an exam :P

    continue writing

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