Do Eskimos look like Chinese?

If an Eskimo went to China would they blend in? If a chinese person went to a reservation or whatever Eskimos live on would they blend in?


Would a chinese person blend in with Eskimos or a Eskimo blend in in China.

Update 3:

@Wiininiskwe *Ajidamoon' Sorry I never knew that it was a deregatory. I know Indian is for Native Americans.


  • Eskimos are related to oriental people, but they do not look chinese by any means. No, they would not blend in.

    I am native american and when I was a child all of us, including eskimos ( inuit & yupik) were classified as oriental. Just remember native american do not look like the irish, french, the italians or arabs or chinese.

  • No they don't....not at all.

    The Inuit may share common ancestors with those from Siberia......not China. And were you to place an Inuit beside a Chinese, you would certainly be able to tell the difference.

    They consider Eskimo to be derogatory.

  • most possible stone age Chinese went to north and became Eskimos

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