Is Trailer Park Boys popular outside of Canada?

It's a huge hit here and they do a ton of PR stuff in character. Does anyone else know who they are?


  • A few years back an American network approached them but they would have had to change alot of the content to satisfy the American censors; language, the drug use, drinking etc. Apparently cast and crew decided they didn't like the idea of Americans messing with our Canadian content and the deal fell through.

    I remember hearing this on the news but to be honest don't know how much truth there was in it. Sounded believable to me.

    I've got 2 brothers living in the States and I'm pretty sure they follow it on satelite.

  • We have it here on sky but it comes on very late at night and on a channel thats quite low down on the listings. I wouldnt say a lot of people watch it or know what it is here in Britain but ive watched it a few times usually at about (1.00 - 2.00 am) when theres nothing else on and I thought it was quite funny. I think a lot of people over here dont understand the whole white trash kind of thing because over here we have chavs or neds.

  • finally, i chanced on yet another Trailer Park fan. It`s Canadian and that i presumed it purely aired in Canada. there grow to be communicate of it going into the U. S. yet that it grow to be going to be censored. some human beings could not discover it humorous yet once you capture the little nuances it`s hilarious. the reality that they blurred a Kitty's face so as that he wouldn`t be acknowledged grow to be marvelous. Conky touching on Ricky as "Reveen" (an old magician that used to look in Canada) grow to be additionally. i ought to bypass on and on yet on account which you`re already a fan I don`t could desire to.

  • I don't think so, I had a friend from wales once who knew all about it and I asked him the same question he said that only the cool kids watch it.

  • Love that show. My friend in England gets it on satellite and loves it

  • filmed right by me :D

    kinda hate it though.

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