Why is my car insurance SO expensive?!?

My car insurance is due for renewal and the quotes i'm getting seem so high! Why is this? I'm a 32 year old female, no convictions, bans not even a speeding ticket. I have had my licence for 14 years and over 10 years no claims. I have 3 previous claims, 2 none fault and one theft - all of which were over 10 years ago. I am insuring a 2003 freelander (insurance group 11).


TSW and Skyking - cheapest quote is £748 fully comp - about $1152. 3rd party only works out about £60 ($92) cheaper so not a great deal of difference to warrant taking the risk.

Your Friend Zach - That age-old stereotype about dangerous women drivers is shattered in a big new traffic analysis: Male drivers have a 77 percent higher risk of dying in a car accident than women, based on miles driven ;0)

Malkah F - Thanks will try the link

Thanks for the feedback!


  • I would check through your documents carefully as insurers so sometimes make mistakes. Ask the insurer for a statement of facts if you do not have one and check carefully to make sure there are no errors on the information you have provided to them.

    It may be worth looking at some of the aspects of your policy. If your car is garaged overnight, or parked on a drive, this can reduce your premium, so you need to let the insurer know. As cars get older, the value reduces, but insurers rarely alter this on your documents. Value can affect the quote, so it is worth updating this. If you have additional drivers on your policy, particularly if they are aged under 25, this can make a huge difference to your premium. If they do not need to be on, consider removing them, or just put them on when they need it, then take them off again. If you only use your car to and from one permanent place of work, you may not need business use cover as most insurers class commuting as social, domestic and pleasure, so consider taking off business use if you think you don't need it. Maybe look at reducing your cover or increasing your voluntary excess as that will affect the price. Make sure that they aren't still charging you for the claims, as you should only need to disclose claims in the last four or five years.

    Insurers constantly change their prices. An insurer that is cheap one year may not necessarily be cheap the year after. Shop around to get the best deal. Try a price comparison site to see what's available. You'll be surprised to see how much you can save by switching insurer.

  • Car insurance is expensive for multiple reasons, where you are living plays a big role (taxes and such). The fact that you are female also raises the price by a lot. When you are a teenage boy, the price is skyrocketed, but as the females get older, there price goes up. The reason for this is usually the fact that females often multitask, such as putting on make up, or using their cell phone, more often then men. Car insurance is actually a very sexist and bias towards everybody. What can you do... im really not sure, your SUV is a land-rover those can be very luxurious, and the make alone may raise the price. However, if you SUV isn't worth a over 10 grand, then don't get a insurance policy that 3 times the worth of the car. The color may play a small role as well, red cars get pulled over the most, then all the other vibrant colors, the cars that get pulled over the least, blacks,greys, and whites. I hope this info helps. Im a 17 year old male, had one traffic violation and haven't had my license for an entire year yet... guess how much im paying per month. Over $250 dollars per month for a 1979 GMC C1500. ya it ain't great! And I wanted a Camero.... lol lol lol lol lol : ) , im glad my mom said........................ F_ _ K-NO!

  • Lisa; I would go out for quotes if you are not happy, but i have to ask, what do you call expensive?

    I pay $1200 a year for my 2007 Van and almost $1700 a year for a 2010 Dodge. Both vehicles have full collision etc.

    Perhaps you could get rid of the collision if you have that and the car is not worth that much and the comprehensive etc.

    Just carry liability and that will cut your costs also.

    good luck

  • If the car is not financed and it is worth less than 4,000.00. Just get compulsory insurance.

    Why pay for more insurance then the car is worth ? Granted there is a slight risk that you may total the car. But is that worth that insurance plus your deductible ? when in two years of this you could have bought a new car of the same value.

  • Your coverage often expenses greater once you're a youthful driving force, haven't any or much less-than-suitable credit, own a overall performance or sporty motor vehicle, own a luxury motor vehicle, undesirable using historic past (wrecks, tickets, and so on), or in case you own a motor vehicle it fairly is amazingly commonplace (i will clarify later). in case you have tickets, wrecks the place you're at fault, and so on your rates will boost for a quantity of time. Now..with regard to the commonplace motor vehicle... those vehicles have greater coverage expenses by way of fact there are various them on the line, subsequently greater probabilities of claims being made by vendors of those specific vehicles. In my component of the u . s . a . the Toyota Corolla is an superb occasion considering the fact which you spot them everywhere. ...and that i take place to own one. relaxing motor vehicle, btw. Over here in the u . s . a . you may get a coupon on inurance by taking a DMV authorized protecting using direction and offering your coverage business employer with evidence of passing and crowning glory. in accordance with the answerer above me... i'm in the u . s . a .. coverage expenses indexed under at the instant are not desperate by your point of training. I under no circumstances provided suggestion approximately my coaching to my coverage business employer, yet that does no longer advise they did no longer get the advice someplace else. I defined in my answer above what coverage firms seem at, it fairly is authentic for the u . s . a .. i've got been using for 7 years, sparkling using checklist (no tickets or at-fault wrecks), in ordinary terms a million declare (no longer at fault wreck) yet I nonetheless pay in direction of the roof by way of fact I stress a Toyota Corolla it fairly is amazingly commonplace in my section. i think of i'm charged greater by way of fact i'm having to pay for the stupidity of persons.

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