car trouble weird problem?

I have a very strange problem, well at least to me. I drive a '99 toyota camry and the lights for both drive and reverse gears are on at the same time, check engine light, and the light for "tail light is out" are all on. My car is running fine. What on earth could be causing this?


The tail lights WORK, and I am in the gear drive.


  • Have the check engine light checked first. If everything is okay, then it's probably a short circuit inside the instrument cluster. A good mechanic or the dealership should be able to verify this.

  • Change the bulb in the tail light, and take the car to Advance Auto Parts or PEP Boys or something and they check the lite for free.

  • Check fuse for tail lights. Do the tail lights come on ??

  • check your gears, check the engine and check your tail lights!!

  • could be the wiring problem of the light have you already check the wirings of your car?

  • Slight water damage may have hurt the electronics

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