How many languages do you speak ?

I feel stupid not knowing more !


  • Five.

    Don't feel stupid, most multi-lingual people were raised with it.

  • I am from Pakistan.I can speak three.

    Punjabi,The laungauge of Punjab Province and my native tounge.

    Urdu, National Launguage Of Pakistan

    English, The Internation Language of market demand.

  • I speak one but have a cousin who speaks 6 languages and he knows them just because he wanted to learn them he thought it would be neat thing to do with his free time so any one can do it just try

  • I should be able to speak english and tagalog (fhilipino) but I dont why...? Because as a small child I would put my hand over my mother;s mouth and said speak english....I do know ASL (american sign language)

  • oddly enough I speak 3, english, spanish, and sign language...because I have a good friend who happens to be far sign language is waaayy easier to pick up than any other language.

  • Just 2, but i wanna learn French

  • I speak Romanian,English,French and a bit of Spanish and Latin.

  • 1 here with little phrases I remember from Spanish class back in high school and college.

  • What is "more" John? I am fluent in tow and I can somehow manage to communicate with another tow. Does that mean anything to you?

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