Brew Crew Fanz?

How 'bout Jeff Jenkins huh....are you as happy as I am he is still on the Roster?


  • He was huge yesterday. I'm a Mets' fan but I do like the Brewers also.

  • I'll give him credit but I think the cubs are still winning the central because the Brewers can't win on the road. Cubs are over .500 at home on on the road. Plus, I don't think the Brewers are capable of beating teams over .500 consistently, such as the Mets, Phillies, or even the Chi Cubs.

  • Jenkins has always been a good ballplayer, the problem is keeping him healthy. He goes down every year and can't seem to shake the health issues. This is the best year he has had in a while.

  • What about him? The Cubs will catch up, and the Crew won't make the playoffs!

  • YA!! y didnt Ned Yost start him, even though Glavine is a lefty, hes really slow, he really know how to come through in the clutch!!!

  • Die hard White Sox fan here, and die hard we will. I love my boys.

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