how do i remove a gummy residue on my suede jacket?

The sticker was an address label. They used it for a name tag. When I pulled it off, it left a gummy, sticky residue.


  • Wad up a ball of dried rubber cement, and drag it across the sticky residue. The stuff on your jacket will get stuck to the ball of rubber cement.

    If that doesn't work - and it should - I've used it dozens of times as a graphic artist - try a very tiny amount of lighter fluid on a cotton swab. Twist the swab tip with your fingers to make it really tight , put a drop of fluid on the tip. Dab the tip on paper towel to get off the excess, then barely touch the spot with the swab tip as you spin the swab with your thumb and forefinger. Spin, get some residue on the tip, and lift - Try not to rub the sticky residue into the suede - you just want to transfer it to the swab. Use fresh swabs regularly until the sticky stuff is all gone. There will be the smell of the lighter fluid to contend with, the intensity will correspond with how hard you rubbed the suede... try not to get the suede wet with the fluid....

    Hope that helps.......

  • I would take the jacket to the cleaner and have them remove the residue , unless you want to apply another label on it .

  • The best way is to freeze it. The jacket is probably too big to put in your freezer (unless you have an extra one for storage) Once frozen just hit it and it will shatter off.

  • Try some GooBeGone.

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