Do/Did Vampires really exist?

Reference to beef toes


  • Human vampires are not real

  • There are people who drink blood like water

    There are blood sucking insects and bats

    Dracula was a human drinking blood from his friends

    That's where the vampire idea came, but there not real, like zombies.

  • Of course not. they are just fiction. There are of course vampire bats that feed mainly on large animals by biting their legs and sucking the blood but they could not attack and human in that way. Incidentally vampire bats have been known to return to their roost and feed bats that are injured to to ill to fly so they are very caring animals

  • If you count people who drink blood with real pointy teeth, but just not by sucking blood out of someone's body by sinking their teeth in then yes they do exist.

  • They don't exist. There are people who do drink blood, but they don't have the pointy teeth lol. People drink blood because they like it and they believe it's keeping them alive.

  • Cannibals are considered as vampires.

  • No and no to your question.

    Vampire do not exist.

    Never have, never will.

  • yes, they killed me and now i'm a vampire. can you give me your blood ?

  • just because we have a set of novels that doesn't make them real

  • Sorry honey no they don't. Not the mythical kind.

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