How do I reverse a NASTY curse ?

Of the worst kind imaginable !



  • You do not believe in curses,they are not real

  • The power of a curse lies in the strength of belief of the cursed. Stop believing in imaginary things, and it goes away. Not the answer you want to hear, but the truth.

  • Find out who cursed you and curse them back. It works, especially if you use a baseball bat.

    The mysterious broken knees curse is very effective.

  • Try speaking to the one who cursed you and prove to them that you no longer deserve the curse.. They should then be able to remove it from you.

    Best of luck.

  • The best way is to deflect it. Learn to protect yourself psychically, this means that your aura will protect you and the negative won't affect you. This way you render the curse ineffective and harm no one else.

  • what kind is it? I cant really help if you don't tell me

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