Please correct my grammar?

Unless you have had to wait for your Blackberry to restart when you're in a hurry... You don't know struggle.

correct my grammar, and my doubt is i said HAVE HAD, and they WHEN YOU'RE IN A HURRY, ISN'T IT WHEN YOU WERE?


  • Well, the tenses do need to match.

    "Unless you have had to wait for your Blackberry to restart" - past tense

    "when you're in a hurry" - present tense

    So "when you were in a hurry" would make the tenses match.

    Correct way:

    "Unless you have had to wait for your Blackberry to restart when you were in a hurry... you don't know struggle."

    "have had" is fine, it may sound weird, but I think it's grammatically correct.

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