Do chicks dig bald guys?

29 decent shape and successful but can get a girl


  • woman 35 and older yea

  • If you've got a great personality and some chick loves you already, then she'll probably fake that your baldness turns her on. But most women like guys with hair. Hair gives away a person's age.

  • Are you mr shea? As in the assistant principal at my school?....Yea. Chicks dig bald dudes. Rock it like a b055

  • if it looks good on you. a bald head isnt for every man. i personally would rather a low cut on a man than a completely bald head

  • As with all things attraction based, depends on the individual.

  • Ew, no. Its a turn off.

  • If you have a big dick, then yes.

    That's all that matters to girls...

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