ACSM/ACS Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer (CET) Salary?

The following is the information I've found on it...but I can't find how much money they make.

A CET is a fitness professional who trains men and women who were recently diagnosed with cancer and have not yet begun treatment, are receiving treatment, have completed treatment or are a survivor experiencing chronic or late effects from disease or treatment; and are apparently healthy or have the presence of known stable cardiovascular disease with low risk for complications with vigorous exercise and do not have any relative or absolute contraindications for exercise testing.


Bachelor's Degree (in any field) AND 500 hours of experience training older adults or individuals with chronic conditions.


  • Check out the link below for salary ranges of various positions. In most cases, salaries are based on your location. This link should help you determine what the range is in your zip code.

    Good luck

  • Cancer Exercise Trainer

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  • Acs Salary

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