I recently bought a Cockapoo puppy?

She is 14 weeks old and weighs 11lbs. The vet said she is very big for her breed, does anyone know how big she will get? Also has anyone ever had one....are they good dogs?


cockapoo not cockatoo....


  • According to my growth chart, she should be about 29-30 pounds when grown..that is a pretty normal size for the ones I have seen and know..perhaps your vet sees mostly ones from teacup or tiny poodle dads..

    All of them i have met were wonderful dogs, but do need a lot of grooming to keep feeling and looking good.

    Groom her a lot now, so she gets used to it before there are many tangles..

  • The easiest way to tell how big a puppy will get (a breeders trick)- take your hand and run it down her front leg. You will get to the point where it bends like your knee does. You will feel a large lump there. That is her knuckle and is a growth plate. She will grow until that is smooth.

    When looking at mixed breeds, you have to consider the 2 parts. Cocker spaniel and poodle. If the poodle part was a larger poodle, then she could get to be a larger size. Usually toys are used but sometimes minis are used. I have never heard of a standard being used.

    From the poodle part, she will be very smart. Both sides are hunting dogs so she will want to explore new things and will learn to chase birds, etc at some point. Cocker will balance out the hyper in the poodle so should be energetic without being too hyper (not counting the puppy times!!). If you go ahead and start her in obedience training, she will learn quickly and make sure she goes to a class that also teaches some tricks - she will love clowning for people.

    Have fun with your new baby!!

  • Cockapoo Sizes

  • Cockapoo is not a breed, its a mix, therefore has no standard of how big they will be as adults. It depends on how large or small the parents were, and their parents, etc. I have a cockapoo who is about 5 and she is 16 pounds. A general rule for dogs, is double their weight at 4 months old, and add 10-20%. This does not apply to all breeds, as giant breeds have a longer growing period, and toy breeds shorter.

    Judging by your dogs current weight I would guess 25-35 pounds as an adult.

    As for being "good dogs" they are a smart breed and usually friendly. Proper training and obedience is the only way to get a "good dog"

  • A cockapoo is a mix between a cocker spaniel and a poodle. I had one when I was a little girl. The size depends on the actual breed of poodle, I imagine and a cocker spaniel can get to be pretty big. Mine was never bigger than about 15-16 pounds.

    He was very smart, but more than that, incredibly loyal. He was very attached to me and would bark at anyone bothering me. (Parents, etc... )

    Good Luck and Congratulations on your new dog.

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    I recently bought a Cockapoo puppy?

    She is 14 weeks old and weighs 11lbs. The vet said she is very big for her breed, does anyone know how big she will get? Also has anyone ever had one....are they good dogs?

  • As a Cockapoo is a mixed breed and not prue breeded you can't be for sure some take more after the poodle in them. Some are more the size of a cocker. Yours will probly take more after the cocker size.

    I'm a groomer and groom some of them for people and that is what I have seen.

  • It depends what kind of poodle your dog is. If its half standard poodle then they will get pretty big. If its a toy poodle then they should weigh under six pounds. It also depends on what size the cocker spaniel that parented your puppy.

    Im surprised that your vet would say something like that. If your dog is a half mix, then you dont know what size they can turn out to be. Unless you have seen the puppies parents, there's nothing really that you can predict.

  • For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avYt7

    Puppy's as presents are not a good idea. Buying a puppy is a very personal decision as puppies each have their own "gift givee". Give your mom time to heal and then maybe bring up the possibility of buying a new puppy. Make sure if you do this you do this together so that you find a puppy that suits both your personality as well as your moms. I'm sorry for your loss. Good Luck.

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