Specific 9/11 documentary?

This documentary is actually a compilation of multiple films made by directors around the world. Each film is 9 minutes and 11 seconds long, I believe. Where can I find it online to buy it or watch it? I thought it was named 9.11.01 but of course that doesn't bring up specific search results.


  • Cell phone calls, many of which

    the FBI now say didn't happen.

    Finding one of the terrorist's car

    parked in an airport car park

    Also terrorist a passport that

    somehow escaped the fire ball of

    the plane that crashed into the

    tower and fluttered to earth, not

    even singed.

    Also a red bandanna that was

    found in the wreckage of the

    Pennsylvania crash (Muslim

    fighters wear red bandannas,

    trouble is it's a Shia Muslim

    tradition, and the terrorists were

    theoretically Sunnis, so whoever

    was making up the evidence

    obviously hadn't done their

    homework thoroughly).

    The FBI state there's no hard

    evidence to connect Bin Laden

    with 9/11-but this is not

    published by the mass media.

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