Is America prepared for North Korea?

If N. Korea does launch a nuclear (likely), what happens? Are we going to "Hiroshima" and "Nagasaki" them back or less devastating? What other countries are in danger? It will be interesting when nuclear war breaks out.


  • North Korea has a death wish

    If they strike out at anyone, they will be blown to smithereens

    What's happening now is just fulfillment of Bible prophesy regarding "rumors of wars" in the end times

  • Obama will try to pacify them and calm them down by having talks and bringing in NY pizza pies or maybe snapping peas together on the front porch.

    Actually, all hell will break lose and we might as well put our heads between our legs and kiss our basses goodbye.

  • Yes we are, If you don't Believe me ask Defense Secretary Gates, the same Question.

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