5 weeks preg no symptoms?

i dont feel anything.....nothing at all. in fact I wake up feeling pretty great! i dont even have to eat right away. i just feel normal...... is something wrong with the baby since i have no odd feeling at all??? the first week i was super tired. hungry and thirsty.... now.nothing... is this a bad sign? anyone having a healthy preg around my stage and feel totally normal????


thanks everyone. I have 1 child already and that one was a nightmare. puke over 30 times a day for 9 months. thats why i got worried!


  • I felt so normal I didn't know I was pregnant till 13 weeks.(still had period) I didn't feel sick almost the whole pregnancy. Consider yourself blessed...most people sre not this way

  • i've heard many people say oh wait until you are two months or so then you are going to feeling sick. In my case two months came and went and I never got sick at all... No morning sickness, nothing more than feeling tired all the time. I started getting a little worried myself until I talked to my mom about it and she told me she had never gotten sick with any of her pregnancy either so I felt better. So don't worry about it you will be fine... Consider yourself one of the lucky ones... Enjoy! mommies to be will be jealous.. =)

  • No, you are fine. I didn't have any symptoms except being tired with my son the first trimester (and alcohol aversion) With my daughter, I had no symptoms until I was 6 weeks and then all heck broke loose with all day sickness.

  • It's normal. Some women experience symptoms later while others don't experience them at all. If you don't, then count yourself lucky. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong, it just means that your body is reacting well to the pregnancy and adjusting well to the hormones.

  • many women don't get sick or barf or feel bad during a pregnancy.

    Sometimes the only symptom is being a little tired or peeing more.

    That was me for the first 2.

  • well 5 weeks, i didnt have any either. 6 weeks is when it started for me. i felt terrible and still do.

    with my first pregnancy the only symptoms i had was heartburn and head aches, not even morning sickness. i hope your lucky and wont get any of that. ugh it sucks..

  • Your only 5 weeks. Just wait. It will come.

    A lot of women dont even know they are pregnant until 5/6 weeks.

  • it extremely is unlike he's prego too! Its commonly used. He has sympathy pains. a guy that continues to be and dedicates together with his important different whilst she is carrying a newborn many times has indicators to boot.

  • everyone's pregnancy is different. some easier than others and by the way it sounds you'll probably have an easy one. my was pretty easy.. i didnt feel different until i actually was growing and felt him moving. no symptoms or feeling naseaus for me when i was pregnant.

  • its normal... you jus wait lol you feel pregnant soon enough

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