Do aliens really exist?

Alright I live in Alaska and last night I heard strange sounds in my back yard. I checked and at first saw nothing but then a huge thing about 7 1/2 ft tall leaped across and went to a ship. BTW I DO NOT TAKE DRUGS LOL.


  • You havent heard the latest news? Sasquatch signed a contract for his life story and made enough money to buy his own lear jet

  • You are probably shocked and cannot believe your eyes or mind. Much of what we learn, or how we are taught excludes the reality of the world or the fullness of a subject, we learn in stages as it were. Aliens probably do exist. If you saw one you would probably be shocked, because the brain has been learning through your life that aliens are not real, simply because you have never knowingly encountered one.

    The other aspect is that if it was dark and you had gotten a shock its possible you saw a person getting into a vehicle. It is VERY easy to see what you did not see.

    I remember my brother in laws dog (at the time I hadn't met it) an English Bull Mastiff, leapt up at his front gate (it was 11pm, in Britain we have yellow street lights) and barked (sounded like a truck) my mind told me I was looking at a very weird looking man with a shaved head who was not wearing a top.

    I almost leapt into the air and got my fists ready for a fight. Then as a second passed sense kicked in and I realised what it was. I couldn't stop laughing.

    My point is that both examples are possible what you saw, or what you might have seen.

    I hope you did see an alien, if you're sure then you know what others don't.

  • There is absolutely no proof that aliens from outer space have ever set foot (or paw, or claw, or whatever) on the Earth.

    There may be life elsewhere in the universe, probably is, but it has not yet visited this planet.

    Too bad you did not capture this thing - if it was the first alien visitor, you would have been famous.

  • "BTW I DO NOT TAKE DRUGS LOL" says the guy who asked how much he should take to get high... right..

    Well, if you don't, perhaps you should, there are antipsychotic drugs that would calm your hallucinations.

  • to answer your comment, i don't believe you really saw that.

    to answer your question, no one knows if aliens exist. there is no solid proof. it's just like religion. no one has seen god but we all choose whether or not to believe in god. but no one really has any solid proof, therefore no one "knows"

  • Yes, they do.

  • i belive so i guess its what people belive.

  • Nope, they do not

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