Is a scam?

Okay. So I just purchased a pair of Ray Ban Clubmasters from this site called I was super excited because the Ray Bans I wanted were there FOR $55 dollars! I think my excitement took over a little too much because I immediately made the purchase them without looking into the site's safety. As I looked back on the site after the purchase.. um things seemed a little suspicious.. some things were spelled wrong, grammar errors etc.. Even the reviews sounded like they were written by employees. Then I saw the cherry on top-- i went to the 'Contact Us' option and the address was somewhere in CHINA. Oh, jeez.

Ive heard that legit businesses allow you to pay with credit/debit cards on the site and scams usually have only a wire transfer or Western Union option. In this purchase I used my debit card, but im still pretty skeptical...

See for yourself..

So? What do you think? Have you used this site before?


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