why do certain branches of Islam?

inflict wounds upon themselves to ''remove ''sin... can someone explain plz ?


maryam...im not sure...it think its shia muslims idk


  • Some Shia sects observe "Ashura" by beating themselves with chains in public, cutting themselves with knives and sharp objects and holding mournful public processions. This is an expression of their grief on the death of their favourite leader Hussain, considered to be the representative of Allah. (But no Shiite scholar affirms any extreme behavior that harms the body and Shia leaders consider such acts as "Haram", or forbidden.) It is a sad occasion and everyone in the procession chants "Ya Hussain", wailing loudly.

  • Muslims: a million. Sunnis :- (a million) Hanafi. * Barailwi * Deobandi (2) Shafi. (3) Hannbali. (4) SalafiAhle Hadith.....................Purest Islam. (5)Malaiki 2. Shias :- (a million) Twelver (2) Ismaili * Nizari --------additionally customary as AghaKhanis * Mustaali * Druze. (3) Zaidi. (4) Jaafri. (5)Alani. (6)Alevi. 3. Kharijites. 4. Sufis. 5. Ahmedis---------have faith in a pretend Prophet Guhlaam Ahmed Qadiyaan who claims himself to be Imam Mahdi and Prophet Isa's (as) 2nd coming on the comparable time. there are various extra types.........almost 70 branches (sign of the day of Judgement).

  • These are all sect games and are a result of innovations that have nothing to do with Islam. In fact it is very easy to determine what is Islam and what is not. God in His mercy has rolled everything into one single book preserved forever. Anything that fails to comply with the Quran in both letter and spirit should be put aside.

  • That is actually against Islam. Those who do that, goes against Quran:

    “And do not throw (yourselves) with your own hands to destruction; but work (deeds of) excellence for verily Allah loves the people of excellence.” - Surah Al-Baqarah [2:195]

  • your wrong, majority of Shia do not use knives, and cause blood and going overboard since its forbiddden by most top scholars of Islam (shia) and banned in Iran, but with the hate against shia by salafis, their propganda is the same as west when they call all muslims as terrorist etc.

    And its not done to forgive sins, thats nonsense

    You want to learn why Shia do it, then you should learn it from Shia themselves and not from the fasiqopn who call Shia non Muslims but still let us perform Hajj in mecca

    read this story from a revert about the mourning for Imam Hussain AS


  • they do this in the day that Alhussain (the grandson of prophet Muhammad PBUH) killed, showing grieve and love of him

    These deeds of Shia individuals are not accepted in Islam

    Shias are small sect nearly 10% of Muslims

  • Self Harm is forbidden in Islam. Only people who have deviated away from the teachings of Islam practice this sin.

    May Allah guide them.

  • Those are Shia.

    They self flagellate to remember the martyrdom of the Prophet's grandson Hazrat Hussain (ra) and believe that if they experience pain like Hazrat Hussain (ra) experienced their sins will be forgiven.

    Also, Catholic Christians also self flagellate themselves, and the previous pope John Paul 2 himself did self flagellation:




  • Self-Infliction/harm is forbidden in Islam...the body is a property from Allah. no-one has the right to damage their own or anothers body.

    May Allah guide us all

  • Self-harm is haram in Islam


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