Disembarkment cards - do I need addresses?

Am shortly returning to Morocco since being there in July. Want to see more of it this time and have only booked first night's accommodation as am meeting with friends and we'll be touring. I know you have to fill out the disembarkment card - I stayed at a hotel for a fortnight last time, but what do you do if you don't know your addresses until after you get there ? Thanks!


  • If you have an address of the motel you will be staying at then write that down. If not just write down the city you will be staying in and if they ask you about it let them know you haven't found accommodations yet.

    I always write down my husband's parents' address regardless of where I'm staying.

  • Just write in your first night accommodation address. But I understand there may be a time when someone enters the country without an address to go to then perhaps write in to be arranged.

    I am sure it is for purposes so that they can contact you in case of emergency. However on any occasion it is advisable to register with the British (or other country) Embassy on entry to Morocco. I do this as although I have a base with an extended family, I am always one end of the country or another so i keep register on arrival with the embassy in Rabat its only a phone call away for safety. I always keep my passport on me wherever (and in which ever country) i go so if i have accident I can easily be identified.

    Hope i hahaven'trightened you - i have no fear of anything in Morocco most people are so friendly and helpful and I return frequently. Enjoy your stay.

  • You can either leave it blank and ask the Moroccan Customs officer what to write, or write the name of the hotel or apartment that you will be staying in. They shouldn't give you much hassle, sometimes in Morocco its easier to find something by name than it is finding by address.

  • just write address on arrival! they will ask you if they are concerned or the first nights accommodation will be suffice?

  • You'll be fine if you write down that hotel's address only .

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